On July 4, a complex event dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the capital of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Astana - "Ару Астана айбыны" - "Greatful and Young Beauty - Astana" was included in the children's services department. It included an oral journal, an open preview, a drawing competition on asphalt.
A meaningful review was conducted for children at the open viewing. The guys solved riddles, answered questions on the history of Astana. The event was accompanied by cheerful games, cognitive quizzes about Astana.
Also with the students a drawing competition was held on the asphalt.
The drawings were very bright and interesting. All the children's works were united by one leitmotif - love to our capital.
At the end of the event, the winners of the contest of drawings on the asphalt in a solemn atmosphere were awarded with certificates and worthy prizes. On this festive day, no one was left without attention, each participant received a thank you letter for active participation.
On July 4, within the framework of the celebration of the 20th anniversary of the capital of the Republic of Kazakhstan - the city of Astana, an information-bibliographic department conducted a conversation-review on the topic "Our Common Home - Kazakhstan".
The program of the interview-review also included participation in the solving of the crossword "Astana", compiled by the department's employees. In addition, all readers of the library received informational booklets "Astana - Eurasia of the Dead" / "Astana - the Heart of Eurasia" and bookmarks "Sights of Astana" on this day.
On June 14, in the courtyard of the regional children's clinical hospital, in order to promote reading, the formation of a positive attitude to reading and the book among the younger generation, the propaganda of local history literature about the history, culture of our country, ensuring access to information, the opening of the traditional summer reading room under the open sky «Сенің рухани қазынаңның қайнар бұлағы – кітап!».
The event, which was prepared jointly by several departments of the library, launched the opening of the summer reading-room season. The names and themes of the exhibitions and reviews presented to the readers were reflected in the festive date widely celebrated by the Republic of Kazakhstan this year - the 20th anniversary of the capital of Astana.
During the entire work of the reading room, library staff conducted a variety of quizzes with the audience, distributed booklets and bookmarks with emoticons. All those wishing to take advantage of the services of the library were immediately put on the site for free in the library.
The fund of the regional junioe library named after Zh. Bekturov was supplemented with the next edition. On June 28, the widow of a member of the Union of Journalists of the Republic of Kazakhstan, writer, publicist, translator Maral Hasen Rymbala Smailova presented to the library his book "Жалғасқан ғұмыр" in a new edition.
The collection includes stories, interviews, journalistic articles and translations of Maral Hasen, also the book includes works by the author's children. The compiler, the editor, the publisher of the book "Жалғасқан ғұмыр" is Rymbala Kenzhebaevna Smailova, who, in memory of her husband, considers it her duty to preserve and disseminate his creative heritage.
Maral Hasen and Zhaik Bekturov worked closely together during their lifetime. In 2010, the library hosted a meeting with Maral Khasen and the presentation of his book "Жүрек қанын сия қылған".
In recent years, Maral Hasen was engaged in translating works of Nobel Prize winners in literature. The first book with translations was published in 2015. In the second book, which was completed by Rymbal Kenzhebaevna, the translated works of S.Aleksievich "At war not a woman's face" and "Zinc boys", Alice Munroe "Dance of the Blessed Shadows" were collected.
In the library, in the office-museum of Zh. Bekturov, a folder of newspaper clippings about M.Hasen is formed, the book contains the books of the famous master of pen and word.
A good tradition in the practice of methodical work of our library are visiting seminars.
On June 12, an on-site seminar was held for library librarians of the Osakarovsky CLS library on the topic: "Local Lore Project Activity of Libraries".
Opening the seminar, and wishing fruitful work, the director of Osakarovskaya CLS Yeremeyev Yevgenia Alexandrovna gave the floor to the head of the innovation-methodical department of RJL named after Zh. Bekturov Aldongarova Gulnar Mukhtarovna.
In his speech, accompanied by a presentation: "The transition to the Latin alphabet is the imperative of the times. Experience of the Karaganda Regional Junior Library named after Zh. Bekturov ", A. Aldongarova. detailed about the experience of the RJL named after Zh.Bekturov on carrying out of actions on propagation of transition of the Kazakh language on the Latin schedule. Librarians were offered a practical task to write Kazakh text in Latin. Operatively and with good results the librarians coped with the task - Mitina O.B. - Central district library in Osakarovka; Sestrevotovskaya E.V. - Branch No. 13, Sunkar village; Zhanzakova A. - Branch No. 20, Shunkyrkol village. The rest of the librarians who took part in this mini-contest, promised to send completed tasks to our e-mail.
Then, Nadezhda Fedorovna Shmoilova, head of the department for mass work and youthful communication, delivered a presentation on "Promotion of Local Lore Information: From the Experience of Libraries", in which she spoke about the experience of creating an effective mechanism for disseminating local knowledge among young people, as well as using innovative forms of work with local lore book.
The head of the department of youth service Murzatayeva Bakhyt Kazbekovna in her speech: "The service of youth: creativity and search", interestingly told about the forms and methods of local lore work in the library, dwelled on the local history quest "Where? Where? In Karaganda!". At the moment, the experience of these games is being transformed into a regional project, participation in which will help young people and girls of the Karaganda region to join the history of their small homeland.
The participants of the seminar showed keen interest and asked several questions about the methodology of this event. Murzatayeva B.K. gave detailed advice and, in turn, suggested that questions be formulated for a quest game based on local history material.
Librarians, divided into two teams, amicably began to work. Then, without delaying the "long-standing" box, immediately on the spot held a warm-up on the invented issues, thereby making a cheerful revival in the work of the seminar.
During the seminar, speeches were also made by the staff of the Centralized Library System of the Osakarovka District:
"Local lore activities of libraries of the Central Library System in the framework of the program "Рухани жаңғыру"- Zhanarstanova Saule Erkenovna, bibliographer of Osakarovskaya CLS;
"Local studies in the focus of the work of the rural library" - Zavistovskaya Nadezhda Viktorovna, rural library in Nikolayivka;
"Local history activities of the bush library in Molodezhny settlement" - Kusainova Bagdat Altaevna, bush library in Molodezhny settlement.
From the speeches of colleagues it can be concluded that local history work in the CLS is conducted at a high professional level. Two projects - "Жер тағдыры - ел тағдыры", "Өнерлі жастар", were included in the republican register of the program "Рухани жаңғыру", the expected result during the implementation of which will be the creation of the digital platform "Osakarov audenynyң virtualum shelzhіresi" - "Virtual chronicle of the Osakarovsky district". Various forms of work are applied, including a literary map, blogs, virtual encyclopedias of villages and many others.
At the end of the seminar, librarians exchanged views, posed problematic issues, in particular, questions were raised on the resumption of the system of professional development, inadequate funding, a shortage of staff units and many others. other
The librarians noted the necessity and usefulness of such seminars, thanked for the interestingly selected theoretical and practical information.