Youth intellectual center "BOTA"


In February, 1996 in the Karaganda regional junior library the club of "BOTA" which became the center of intellectual and creative development of youth was created.

"BOTA" - in transfer with Kazakh "colt", at the same time is an emblem of our youth center. For the East colt endurance and kindness symbol. "BOTA" - an abbreviation of words "«Білімпаздар. Ойшылдар. Тапқырлар. Алғырлар. - Knowing. Conceiving. Enterprising. Resourceful".

In 1998 the club was reorganized into the youth intellectual center with branched structure. In 1999 the action "the Caravan of "BOTA" was begun, our colt moved the caravan on open spaces of the ancient earth of Sara Arch. The action purpose "the Caravan of "BOTA" - patriotism education, development of creative potential of youth of area, their familiarizing with interesting active leisure.

Today the youth intellectual center of "BOT" is a debatable club «Жас азамат», the whole series of intellectual games: "The erudite of XXI", intellectual show of "BOT Erudite", "Бiлiмпаздар", "Бақытты сәт" and others, and literary salon "Қазына", having mastered virtual space, will organize meetings with the contemporaries in on-line.

It is a lot of new and interesting is born within the project of "BOTA". The center of "BOTA" - as the innovative form of mass work of library, brings a special contribution in the cultural growth of our readers and well proved as a place of informal communication of youth of the city and area.

"BOTA" is a meeting with the book and interesting knowledge!

"BOTA" are the new friends, interesting leisure and pleasure of communication! ! !

Work of the youth intellectual center of "BOTA" will be and will organized by the staff of department of youthful communication and mass work: Shmoylova Nadezhda Fiodorovna, Smakanova Aygul Shynybekovna, Kartabayeva Zhanara Zhumashevna, Kudayberdiyeva Gulsim Bektemirovna.

You are young, not indifferent to all surrounding, creative and active people? We wait for you in the Karaganda regional junior library of Zh.Bekturov!